“Coaching with Lucy is a safe space for me. It's a breathing time when I put campaigns, creatives, clients and emails aside for one hour to reflect and think about what comes next. This safe space is comforting and a real driving force for me, especially in the light of working from home due to lockdowns.”


Job role: Senior Creative

Coaching service: One-to-one career coaching

Goals: Increase confidence and improve leadership skills. Ben also wanted to improve his day-to-day performance at work and work towards specific performance related goals. 

Process: On-going coaching, with a session every 3 weeks.

Results as reported by Ben: Since starting coaching with Lucy, I am more confident in my decision-making ability. I have achieved one of my long-term professional goals and I have also let go of several negative beliefs and formed new positive beliefs about myself - I have more opportunities ahead of me, courage and confidence than I ever knew.

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